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November 1, 2016 0

A few years back, Remedy Health Media launched a set of stories meant to help bring patients’ stories to life, following their “Live Bold, Live Now” platform. Today, the company pulled inspiration from the widespread popularity of “Humans of New York”, by launching two new initiatives looking to foster personal engagements with patients.

Their new goal is to reach patients who want snippets of personal stories, those that either already have a large knowledgebase of their condition, or those who are not willing to commit the time to watching long videos and blogs. Jim Curtis, president of advertising at Remedy, notes that “we’re looking at Instagram and other publishers that are really able to tell a story in a moment”.

To learn more about Remedy’s two new initiatives from MM&M, click here.

Lily Stauffer

November 1, 2016 0

Pharma marketers and advertisers are posed daily with the challenge of portraying information about conditions that people do not talk about publically. In an attempt to unveil such conditions, Takeda launched “IBD Unmasked”, a global campaign aiming to raise awareness of IBD, a condition that affects five million people globally. The company are the first in the pharmaceutical space to partner with Marvel Custom Solutions, having super heroes portray patients suffering from IBD.

The campaign was launched initially in July, however the first chapter of the comic book became available last week at London’s Comic Con. One of the primary characters in the book, Samarium, is a young US research scientist who suffers from ulcerative colitis, but possesses super strength, speed and agility.samarium

Head of global product and pipeline communication, Elissa Johnsen was quoted saying “At Takeda we believe that IBD Unmasked will continue to celebrate the strength that real life IBD superheroes exhibit every day and go on to spark powerful conversations, transform perceptions, and ultimately improve understanding of the impact of these diseases”.

To read more about this creative campaign from MM&M, click here.

Lily Stauffer