Dan Greenwald, CEO, White Rhino Peter Crowley, Flex

How to Get HCPs to Do Your Marketing for You.

April 18, 2024 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

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Dan Greenwald
Peter Crowley

Launching a new product to HCPs is no walk in the park. It’s an intricate dance where you’re not just winning the hearts of clinicians, but you’ve got to convince non-clinical gatekeepers to see the light.

But imagine flipping the script—your HCP customers becoming the raucous champions of your brand.

That’s exactly what Olympus and White Rhino pulled off, turning skeptical clinicians into die-hard evangelists and rocketing their latest innovation to the category leader.

This session will peel back the layers, revealing how a dive into the psyche of their target audience birthed an integrated marketing campaign that hits hard on emotion while changing decades-old ingrained habits. We’ll bare it all—unleashing the tactics of their social media blitz, the addictive augmented reality experience, and a guerrilla influencer assault that left a lasting mark on the industry.