Ashutosh Katiyar, Regeneron Surya Pandruvada, Ipsos MMA

Digital Deep-Dive within a Holistic Commercial Framework

April 18, 2024 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm

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Ashutosh Katiyar
Surya Pandruvada

With a plethora of platforms, sites, and networks available in digital advertising, pharma companies (as well as industries) are grappling with the optimal promotional strategy that will provide the highest impact. Most analyses can provide audience quality and impact of digital investments, but they fail to provide optimal levels of deployment and response curves that can Inform investment saturation levels. Additionally, the digital ecosystem-based measurement fails to appropriately assess the synergies between offline and online HCP and patient directed promotions. This presentation will provide a holistic framework to the audience that can help in granular assessment of digital investments. Additionally, the speakers will provide the process for better alignment between analytics results and promotional planning so that organizations can derive benefit from the analytics discipline.