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In the News: SWLSTG Creates Free App for Lithium Medicine Management

January 28, 2016 by Lily Stauffer0

Just a few weeks ago across the pond, the NHS Physical Health Monitor (for Lithium) was released as an app for smartphones in London, UK. Lithium Carbonate is the most common form of treatment for Bipolar Disorder in the UK. The major drawback to this treatment is that it requires strict regulation and frequent health checks. Back in 2013, St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust and South West London partnered up in attempt to streamline this regulation process and make it easier for the patient. The final result? An innovative app that addresses the need for a safe and convenient way to prescribe, administer, and monitor Lithium. Looking forward, they plan to extend the app’s capabilities to manage a broader range of treatments.

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Lily Stauffer

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