Xpectives.Health: Virtual Forum

Forum on Multicultural Health Marketing

August 11, 2021 | 1:30 pm Eastern

Wednesday, August 11

Working with Advocacy Groups is a very important part of reaching out to Minority and Multicultural Groups in Healthcare, to improve access and outcomes. These sessions detail how your company can start partnering with different groups to expand knowledge and use of your product or service in harder to reach communities.


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1:30pm Eastern

Welcome Remarks

1:35 pm

Sponsored Session: Representation: The Key to Addressing Health Inequities Online

It’s clearer than ever — health inequities exist, and they need to be addressed. So how can we, as marketers and content creators, help bridge the gap? Which methods and strategies are most impactful? In this fireside chat, Verywell’s CMO Jessica Shepherd, MD, and GM of Verywell Health, Sara Michael, will discuss their approach towards creating positive change. They’ll unveil practical actions that they — and others — can take to evolve their thinking around how health content is created and disseminated to be inclusive for all audiences.



About Sara


About Jessica

Sara Michael
Vice President & General Manager,

Jessica Shepherd, MD, MBA, FACOG
Chief Medical Officer,

2:05 pm

Partnering with Culturally Relevant and Trusted Patient Advocacy Groups

The COVID-19 pandemic glaringly illuminated racial and ethnic pervasive, persistent and longstanding health and healthcare disparities. Health and healthcare disparities are compounded by historic mistrust and distrust of the U.S. healthcare system and healthcare providers by communities of color. The key to success in engaging and communicating with people of color is partnerships with culturally relevant and trusted patient advocacy groups. This session will share best practices in identifying, auditing, engaging and partnering with patient advocacy groups of color. Competitive advantage will accrue to healthcare organizations and brand teams who are comfortable with the issues of multiculturalism and who take strategic, sustainable, intentional and measurable action to reach the underserved in access and quality.



About Sheila

Sheila Thorne
President & CEO,
Multicultural Healthcare Marketing Group, LLC

2:35 pm

Leveraging Culture to Combat Covid

Join Reggie Ware, CEO of BlackDoctor.org (BDO) and Dr. Reed Tuckson founder of the Black Coalition Against Covid (BCAC) for a discussion detailing how these organizations, along with the HBCU Medical Schools, reversed the mindset of Black Americans regarding COVID and the vaccine acceptance. BDO and the BCAC will summarize research methodologies and display primary data collected, which measured attitude acceptance and change on an ongoing basis. Additionally, they will share the unique marketing and communication strategies that leveraged culture to overcome the distrust of Black America towards the healthcare establishment. The presentation will address how to unlock the cultural codes paramount to the effective implementation of successful marketing initiatives with Black Americans.



About Reed


About Reggie

Reed V. Tuckson, MD, FACP
Managing Director,
Tuckson Health Connections, LLC

Reggie Ware