Xpectives News

Ogilvy Health Continues Cancer Education with #EverydayMatters

July 28, 2020 by admin0

In a follow up conversation with DTC Perspectives this summer, Sherry Novembre and Amy Graham shared how Ogilvy Health’s #EverydayMatters cancer awareness campaign continues to expand and reach audiences, as well as how COVID-19 has impacted the agency’s efforts.

The #EverydayMatters campaign was launched by Ogilvy Health in February of this year, kicking off a year-long campaign to “make an impact on cancer.” Their spring and summer efforts have continued, centering on colorectal cancer in March. They developed and released videos targeting all ages, not just older adults, to educate and encourage screenings. “Colorectal cancer is on the rise in those under age 50”, with 1 in 10 being diagnosed before the age of 50, stated one of their videos. An additional video included an experience view of a colonoscopy as Group Copy Supervisor, Bryan Minogue, “documented his cancer screening journey to show the ease and importance of getting checked early.” Novembre shared that the social media promotion of the #EverydayMatters campaign has made more than 50,000 impressions since its launch on World Cancer Day 2020. The team is also continuing to pursue partnerships where appropriate, such as teaming up with advocates for National Cancer Survivors Day on June 7th. Efforts honored survivors, including a tribute video for survivors and loved ones who serve as beacons of hope, as well as providing continual support and needed information to maintain their healthy journeys.

Amid #EverydayMatters campaign endeavors, the global COVID-19 pandemic arose. As “stay at home” and other safety orders were issued by governments, the agency team also began looking into the impacts coronavirus was having on cancer patients. Graham, citing research from the IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science shared via Medscape, stated that an estimated “80,000-plus diagnoses of five common cancers in the United States are projected to be missed or delayed during the 3-month period of early March to early June because of COVID-19 disruptions to healthcare.” Additionally, normal treatment routines may have been interrupted for patients. Already a vulnerable population group, patients now were finding themselves challenged in new ways with regards to managing their healthcare. The Ogilvy Health team knew that their mission was more important than ever and has remained steadfast in their commitment to continue creating awareness, sharing knowledge and education, and providing support to the oncology community wherever it has been needed.

To comply with government safety orders during the pandemic, the team, as with all those now working remotely, has had to make some adjustments across their practices and procedures. However, even without a studio and despite the fact that all collaborations must be done virtually, they still came together to develop content and videos to support the #EverydayMatters cause. Members of the Ogilvy Health team that were not necessarily a part of the agency’s oncology projects volunteered to participate in the efforts as so many have “a personal stake in it,” noted Sherry. Team members came together in a truly collective effort to address several serious and timely issues:

  • A COVID-19 Impacts on Cancer video was created to educate and support patients.
  • A unique impact survey on HCP and cancer patients as related to COVID-19 was conducted to better understand and address the challenges the groups are currently facing.
  • A tribute video to acknowledge and thank those working in the oncology community during the pandemic was also produced.

According to Graham, when looking to the future of this program, based on their research and learnings they will continue to explore timely topics that enable better conversations and care for people living with cancer. Future topics may include ways to improve patient use of their Electronic Health Records, and cancer care inequality awareness. 

While some projects may launch in 2021 instead of 2020 now due to COVID-19 delays, long-term and global plans are still very much in play. One such venture is through content sharing: Ogilvy Health’s global offices are picking up content that this US-based team has created so that they may share locally how and where appropriate.

Check back with us in the fall for another update on Ogilvy Health’s #EverydayMatters cancer awareness campaign.


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